Disregard, Obligation and Without Delay in UCP 600

In this post we are going to discuss about the words Disregard, Obligation and Without Delay in UCP 600.

Before we start today’s topic let’s recall that in an earlier post we had discussed the usage of 3 very important words that appear in the text of UCP 600, the rules that govern issuances of letters of credit.  These words were:  must, may and should. Click here to read the earlier post.

Today, we are going to have a look at a few other  words or phrases from the UCP 600. These words or phrases appear in multiple instances in the UCP 600 and across various articles. An important point to note here is that irrespective of the article where they appear, these words signify a specific type of action to be taken by the parties concerned.

Let’s study the words Disregard, Obligation and Without Delay in UCP 600 with examples.

The first word is “Disregard”

The word “disregard” means to ignore or to not pay any attention.

Let’s check a few instances where this word appears in the UCP.

  1. A provision in an amendment to the effect that the amendment shall enter into force unless rejected by the beneficiary within a certain time shall be disregarded. (Article 10)

Any amendment to a credit must be accepted by the beneficiary. A beneficiary must convey their acceptance or rejection of an amendment. However in real life situations, beneficiaries rarely do this. In order to accelerate the process, some issuing banks may include clauses like, “this amendment shall enter into force if it is not rejected by the beneficiary within 10 days from the date of this amendment”.  Any such clauses in the amendment will be disregarded or ignored. The UCP allows the beneficiary to signify acceptance or rejection up to the time of presentation of documents.

2. A document presented but not required by the credit will be disregarded and may be returned to the presenter. (Article 14)

A document received in a presentation which is not in the list of documents required as per credit will be disregarded or ignored. This document will not be checked and the bank checking the docs may return it back to the presenter.

The second word is “Obligation”

The word “obligation” means responsibility. Wherever this word appears, it signifies whether the concerned party has a responsibility or doesn’t have any responsibility in that particular situation.

Let’s check a few instances where this word appears in the UCP.

  1. Unless a nominated bank is the confirming bank, an authorization to honour or negotiate does not impose any obligation on that nominated bank to honour or negotiate, except when expressly agreed to by that nominated bank and so communicated to the beneficiary.  (Article 12)

Even though an issuing bank names a specific bank in the credit as the nominated bank, that bank has no obligation to honour or negotiate unless that bank is the confirming bank or that bank agrees to act on its nomination and communicates the same to the beneficiary

2. A bank has no obligation to accept a presentation outside of its banking hours. (Article 33)

If a presentation under a credit is received by bank after its published banking hours, it has no obligation to accept the presentation.

The third one is a phrase which is “Without delay”

Whenever this phrase appears in the UCP, it signifies an action to be taken by the concerned bank without delay i.e. immediately.

Let’s take a few examples.

  1. If a bank is authorized or requested by the issuing bank to confirm a credit but is not prepared to do so, it must inform the issuing bank without delay and may advise the credit without confirmation. (Article 8)

A bank authorized or requested by the issuing bank to add its confirmation is under no obligation to do so. If it decides not to add its confirmation, it is not required to offer any reason. The only responsibility of that bank is to inform the issuing bank of its inability to confirm the credit. This must be done without delay i.e. immediately.

2. If a bank is requested to advise a credit or amendment but elects not to do so, it must so inform, without delay, the bank from which the credit, amendment or advice has been received. (Article 9)

An advising bank is under no obligation to advise a credit or an amendment. If an advising bank decides not to advise a credit or an amendment,  it is not required to offer any reason. The only responsibility of that bank is to inform the issuing bank of its inability to advise the credit or an amendment. This must be done without delay i.e. immediately.

Similarly a second advising bank is also under no obligation to advise a credit or an amendment. If the second advising bank decides not to advise a credit or an amendment, it must inform the advising bank without delay.

That’s the end of this topic. Next time you read the UCP, I suggest you to use a pdf version and go through all the instances where these words appear. It will help you understand the UCP better.

I hope you liked this post about the words Disregard, Obligation and Without Delay in UCP 600.

Do share your views in the comments below.

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11 thoughts on “Disregard, Obligation and Without Delay in UCP 600”

  1. hi,

    can you help me with the answer for this .

    he beneficiary of a transferable documentary credit issued by SWIFT MT700 with a 10 percent tolerance on the amount available stated in field 39A, gave instructions to the nominated transferring bank to make the credit available to a second beneficiary with the documentary requirement for presentation of ‘Insurance certificate for the CIF invoice value plus 10%’ to be stated in the transferred documentary credit as ‘Insurance certificate for the CIF invoice value plus 57% to ensure compliance with the original credit terms, in this respect.

    Assuming that partial shipments are not allowed and that the value of the transferred documentary credit is about USD122,000.00 which of the following was the CIF value of best reflects the original value shown in field 32B for the documentary credit against which the transfer was effected?

    Select one:
    A. USD174,127.27.
    B. USD182,833.63.
    C. USD191,540.00.
    D. USD201,117.00.

    • We have to find out the value of the original LC.

      Let’s first check insurance requirements for the transferred LC.

      Value of the transferred documentary credit is about USD 122,000.00. [Article 30(a) will apply here. Note the word “about”. So we have to add 10% to the LC amount]

      Total LC amount = USD 122000 + 10% = USD 134200

      Insurance required for the transferred LC = USD 134200 + 57% = USD 210694

      Now this value i.e. USD 210694 will satisfy the insurance requirement of the original LC.

      Again from the question, the original LC has a tolerance of 10%.

      Let’s say X is the original LC value.

      Then, (X + 10%) + 10% = USD 210694 [First 10% is added for the tolerance; then another 10% is added for the insurance]
      Or, (1.1 X) + 10% = USD 210694
      Or, 1.21 X = USD 210694
      Or, X = USD (210694/1.21)
      Or, X = USD 174,127.27

      Answer is option A

  2. help me with the answer of this too.

    A documentary credit issued for USD150,000 covering a shipment of vegetables contains the following shipment schedule for the first three months:

    1. January shipment – 100 boxes of carrots at USD50 per box.

    2. February shipment – 150 tonnes of potatoes at USD80 per tonne.

    3. March shipment – 100,000 turnips at USD0.08 per item.

    Assuming that the shipments are made on time and the maximum quantity of goods allowed by UCP 600 is shipped each month, what is the balance of the credit after the March shipment has been honoured?

    Select one:
    A. USD122,900.
    B. USD124,400.
    C. USD124,500.
    D. USD125,000

    • 1. January shipment: USD 50 x 100 = USD 5000
      2. February shipment: USD 80 x 157.5 = USD 12600
      3. March shipment: USD 0.08 x 100000 = USD 8000

      Total utilization = 5000 + 12600 + 8000 = USD 25600
      Balance left = 150000 – 25600 = USD 124400

      January and March shipment specifies stipulated number of packing units or individual items.

      February shipment specifies amount in tonnes. So article 30 (b) of UCP 600 will apply here.

      A tolerance not to exceed 5% more or 5% less than the quantity of the goods is allowed, provided the credit does not state the quantity in terms of a stipulated number of packing units or individual items and the total amount of the drawings does not exceed the amount of the credit.

      Since we have to consider maximum quantity of goods allowed by UCP we have to consider +5 %
      So quantity of goods for February shipment will be 150 + 5% = 157.50

      Answer is option B. Please check and confirm, if you have the answer keys.


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